Guild Seeks Freedom for Journalist Manuel Duran

April 10, 2018 – Spanish-language journalist Manuel Duran was arrested in Memphis, Tenn., on April 3, while covering an immigration protest.

And although the charges were dropped in court proceedings two days later, he now faces deportation. That’s because Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents were waiting in court to take him into custody. Continue reading “Guild Seeks Freedom for Journalist Manuel Duran”

Defiance at Denver Post Thrusts Hedge Fund’s Disastrous Effect on Local News into Headlines

Updated April 16, 2018 to include more press clips.

April 9, 2018 – An act of defiance by the editorial board of the Denver Post has thrust a powerful hedge fund’s destruction of local news coverage to the front pages of publications across the country. Continue reading “Defiance at Denver Post Thrusts Hedge Fund’s Disastrous Effect on Local News into Headlines”

Alden Global Capital ’Disappears’ Denver Post Newsroom


March 28, 2018 – Since this photo was taken in May 2013, The Denver Post newsroom staff has been cut by more than half as Alden Global Capital, the hedge fund that owns the paper, rakes in massive profits. And more layoffs are on the way. Continue reading “Alden Global Capital ’Disappears’ Denver Post Newsroom”

Workers of Revolution Messaging Unionize

March 20, 2018 – The workers of Revolution Messaging have formed a union, winning voluntary recognition of their efforts about an hour after they announced their plans. They will join the Washington-Baltimore local of The NewsGuild-CWA, which will represent them in collective bargaining. There will be approximately 60 people in the bargaining unit. Continue reading “Workers of Revolution Messaging Unionize”

After Bankruptcy, Boston Herald Employees Vote Unanimously to Ratify New Contracts

March 20, 2018 – Workers at the Boston Herald voted unanimously to ratify collective bargaining agreements on March 15, following a grueling period of uncertainty and strife that began when former owner Pat Purcell declared bankruptcy on Dec. 8.

The agreements averted major cuts to pay and benefits, which the new owners, Digital First Media, could have imposed on March 19, when their bid to purchase the Herald received final approval from the bankruptcy court. Continue reading “After Bankruptcy, Boston Herald Employees Vote Unanimously to Ratify New Contracts”