That’s what Black women in the U.S. earn for every dollar earned by white men.
And it’s happening in the news business.
Studies conducted by The NewsGuild-CWA show that at news organizations across the country, women and people of color, on average, are paid less than their coworkers.
And in an industry that demands transparency and accountability from government and business, that’s simply unacceptable.
That’s why Guild members have been conducting pay studies, exposing disparities, negotiating with management for pay equity and greater diversity, and mobilizing members to fight for them.
It’s worth noting that the 58 cents figure is down from 63 cents in 2020.
Union locals have gained access to pay data, noted discrepancies, armed our members with the information needed to win raises, and negotiated salaries and hiring practices that promote diversity.
Although management rarely admits that pay disparities exist, they often grant raises to individuals when confronted with the Guild’s analysis of the data.
Los Angeles Times
In November 2020, the journalists of the Los Angeles Times won a decisive victory for pay equity when owners of the Times and Tribune Publishing agreed to pay $3 million to settle a class-action lawsuit alleging that women and journalists of color were paid less than their white male counterparts.
“Being one of the few people of color in the entertainment section, I always suspected that my white colleagues doing the same job were being paid more than me… It was certainly a sore spot for me, which eventually led to me being one of the lead plaintiffs in the class action suit in the pay disparity lawsuit against the Times that was recently resolved.”
— Greg Braxton, Television Writer/Calendar Section
A 2018 study by the Los Angeles Times Guild found that women and people of color in the newsroom made less than white men. On average, women earned approximately 86% of what men earned; people of color earned roughly 86% of what white people earned, and women of color made less than 70 percent of what white men earned.
Although the Los Angeles Times Guild did not have “standing” to participate in the suit, the Guild reportgave impetus to the lawsuit.
Philadelphia Inquirer, Philadelphia Daily News
“It was stunning news to find out that my pay isn’t comparable to some of my colleagues. Absolutely stunning. Initially my concern was personal. But this is one of the most pressing civil rights issues of the day for women and journalists of color.
“I turned my anger into action, and now I am on a mission with The NewsGuild to fight for pay equity.”
— Melanie Burney, Education Reporter, Philadelphia Inquirer
NewsGuild members at the Philadelphia Inquirer have narrowed a gender-based pay gap considerably over the years since the Guild’s first pay study in 2016. During bargaining, the union highlighted inequities for women and people of color and proposed individual pay adjustments to address the disparities, an examination of recruitment practices and re-establishment of a Diversity Committee.
And although management denied there were “statistically significant base pay gaps based on gender or race/ethnicity,” in 2021 the company announced it would grant $300,000 in pay adjustments to 70 employees. The union continues to fight for pay equity.
Washington Post
A 2022 study by members of the Post Guild concluded that “The Washington Post still operates with systems that perpetuate inequalities.” More than two years after their previous report of disparities, women and people of color are still paid far less than their male and white colleagues.
The study also found, “Though the company seems to be making a concerted effort to hire more people of color, it is not retaining them.”
An accompanying report from the Post Guild’s Black Caucus notes: “In the summer of 2020, White America finally woke up. The murder of George Floyd by police on camera forced a painful and uncomfortable reckoning across the country… “But as Black employees of The Post, we also knew we were not exempt from those systemic injustices — not in our own lives and not in our workplace.”
After recounting many stories, it concludes: “The lack of diversity and racial literacy in the newsroom plays out in a number of ways, but most pressing has been the harm it has caused to Black staffers and our journalism about Black communities.”
A 2018 study by IAPE1096, The NewsGuild local that represents workers at Wall Street Journal and other Dow Jones properties, showed that median pay for full-time male newsroom employees was more than 15% higher than for female employees and median pay for white employees was nearly 17% more than for employees of color in the second quarter of the year.
Following an earlier study, management refused to acknowledge inequities, but granted raises totaling $270,000 to 31 of 1,300 IAPE-represented employees, including at least one increase of 27 percent or approximately $14,870. Since then, NewsGuild members have won additional across-the-board raises and are continuing to fight for pay fairness.
Nation’s Biggest Chain
A study by The NewsGuild’s Gannett Caucus that was released in 2021 revealed stark pay disparities for women and journalists of color at the nation’s largest news chain and a workforce whiter than the communities they cover.
Studies at the Bloomberg Industry Group, San Francisco Chronicle and Minneapolis Star Tribune also found that women and people of color earned less than their counterparts.
“At Bloomberg Industry Group, we’ve discovered that the pay gap is exacerbated by discrepancies in the way minority men and women are evaluated,” said reporter Fatima Hussein. “This has empowered us to call for fairer evaluations of all workers and for managers to undergo bias training. Having the power to access important information that discloses just how severe the pay gap is at Bloomberg Industry Group gives our union the means to organize workers to try and make their workplace more equitable.”
– Fatima Hussein, Worker, Mine and Chemical Safety Reporter, Bloomberg Law
“After we organized our union, we received records that confirmed what I had long suspected: I was the lowest paid person on my team – and the only woman. I used the information to negotiate a five-figure raise. Had we not organized, I wouldn’t have been able to do that.”
NewsGuild units have also negotiated contracts with provisions designed to increase staff diversity:
The LA Times Guild contract requires the company, whenever possible, to interview at least two candidates who are women or members of traditionally underrepresented groups. It also established a joint diversity committee with access to hiring and interview data to hold the company accountable.
The Blue Ridge Guild contract requires the company to interview at least one candidate from traditionally underrepresented groups for each open job. A newsroom committee will work on a plan to recruit and retain diverse talent.
The Montana News Guild requires that the Billings Gazette interview at least one qualified woman and/or member of traditionally underrepresented groups for any job openings.
VTDigger Guild requires public reporting, on an annual basis, about the organization’s demographic breakdown, as well as standardized hiring practices that will proactively recruit journalists from underrepresented backgrounds.
But there’s still a long way to go…
Our power to win equal pay and fair employment practices rests on our ability to demand transparency, expose unfair pay practices, and demand that management address the problem across the board.
How we fight for equal pay:
Have the Conversation
Talk with your coworkers. If you suspect there are disparities in pay – and there probably are – discuss the situation with your colleagues.
If you work at a NewsGuild-represented publication, talk with unit leaders. Let them know your concerns.
If you work at a non-union publication, it’s time to get organized! Contact the NewsGuild to have a confidential conversation about how to make it happen.
Get the Information
Pay information must be made available to union officers at NewsGuild-represented publications upon request.
The NewsGuild encourages all union locals to request pay information from management.
Using the information provided by management, conduct pay equity studies – or seek assistance from the national union.
Analyze the pay studies and report the results to NewsGuild members and the national union.
Take Action
Wherever pay inequities are found, organize a public pressure campaign to expose and oppose them.
Offer wage assessments to individuals who believe their pay is unfair.
Highlight pay disparities and propose contractual remedies, including wage adjustments, ongoing monitoring, establishment of hiring practices that promote diversity, and formation of diversity committees. Negotiate robust anti-discrimination language protects women, people of color, transgender and gender nonconforming people.
“A female co-worker seemed uncomfortable when she approached me in the parking lot and asked me how much money I made. I made a lot more than she did, even though we had the same educational experience and she had more work experience. Similar conversations with the same results sparked our union campaign. Fighting for equal pay is now a priority for our union.”