A year under Alden’s grip, how is Tribune faring?

One year ago, the vulture hedge fund Alden Global Capital bought nearly a third of the stock in Tribune Publishing, one of the nation’s most venerable newspaper chains, owner of the Chicago Tribune, Baltimore Sun, Orlando Sun-Sentinel, the Hartford Courant and others.

Continue reading “A year under Alden’s grip, how is Tribune faring?”

Alden Global Capital, known for plundering newspapers, plans to expand ownership of Tribune Publishing

For Immediate Release

Contact: Sally Davidow, sdavidow@cwa-union.org

Move is latest Alden ploy in a larger effort to gut newsrooms across the country, detailed in new, comprehensive report

NewsGuild-CWA Outlines Path for Industry’s Survival

Sept. 11, 2020 – Alden Global Capital, the hedge fund known for pillaging newspapers, plans to expand its ownership stake in Tribune Publishing as soon as Jan. 1 and is shifting its business strategy to focus on digital subscriptions, according to internal company documents obtained by
DFMworkers.org. Alden currently owns a 32 percent stake in the company and its hand-picked directors hold three of Tribune’s seven board seats. One is held by Alden’s patriarch and founder, Randall Smith. Continue reading “Alden Global Capital, known for plundering newspapers, plans to expand ownership of Tribune Publishing”

Newsletter: Pittsburgh members vote to strike, job opening and more organizing

Subscribe to the Guild’s newsletter here.

September 2, 2020

There’s been no slowdown in Guild news during this summer’s pandemic as every week brings new challenges for us to fight and new units for us to represent.

The big news was in Pittsburgh, where the Post-Gazette newsroom voted 88-31 last month to call a strike – joining three other CWA units at the paper, who also voted in favor of striking.

Authorization for the Guild local to strike is now in the hands of the Guild Executive Council and the CWA Executive Board. President Chris Shelton, in consultation with vice presidents and local leaders, picks the strike date.

Continue reading “Newsletter: Pittsburgh members vote to strike, job opening and more organizing”

Watchdogs on furlough: A thwarted secret deal, an intensely local story

By Dean Olsen

Aug. 6, 2020 – Readers called and emailed the Florida Times-Union over the past year with appreciation for the newspaper’s commitment to uncovering apparent secret deals behind the now-canceled attempt to sell the city of Jacksonville’s municipally-owned utility to a private entity. Continue reading “Watchdogs on furlough: A thwarted secret deal, an intensely local story”

NewsGuild urges Senate leaders: Support S. 3718

July 27, 2020 – As pressure on Congress intensifies to renew emergency funding for individuals and industries whose finances have been devastated by COVID-19, NewsGuild-CWA President Jon Schleuss is urging Senate leaders to support the Local News and Emergency Information Act of 2020 (S. 3718). The bipartisan bill would expand eligibility under the Paycheck Protection Program so that individual publications that are part of large chains would qualify for assistance. Continue reading “NewsGuild urges Senate leaders: Support S. 3718”