Guild with 29 other news groups calls for full investigation regarding journalist Jamal Khashoggi

Jamal Khashoggi entered the Saudi Arabia consulate in Istanbul on Oct. 2, never to be seen again. We fear that he was killed because he was critical of the Crown Prince. He was a regular contributor to the Washington Post, and was in self-imposed exile living in Virginia.

“The threat of violence, kidnapping or death to any journalist seeking the truth and reporting it is dangerous to freedom and democracy around the world,” from the letter. The Guild calls on all governments to investigate all killings of journalists such as the recent incident in Bulgaria, and so many incidents in nearby Mexico. Khashoggi Letter 10102018.

The NewsGuild-CWA statement on the president, August 16, 2018

Washington, DC, August 16, : Journalists are on the front lines in a war on freedom of the press because President Trump has taken every opportunity possible to impugn our craft, our mission, our publications – us. But he has gone beyond simply calling us names and discrediting us. Never one to know a limit, Trump’s hatred and disdain, and the way he expresses them, have become dangerous.

We have believed for some time that the president’s words will result in physical attacks on journalists. Words have consequences.

We are a community of serious journalists, constantly seeking truth and disclosing falsehoods. The president doesn’t share our goals and generally does everything he can not only to obscure the truth, but also to disparage the truth tellers.

We believe this atrocious behavior has to be seen for what it is – reckless and endangering.

The Boston Globe has called on fellow news organizations to speak out today. They think enough is enough. We do, too.

This is not a political statement based on disagreements. We like a good disagreement and strong discussion. Our words are harsh but they need to be.  They reflect the hatred that President Trump has fomented against us and our profession.

We will continue to cover the news related to this president and do so in an objective, fair way. But we cannot be silent when he has dubbed us “the enemy of the people,” a term used previously by dictators.

We want a civil society where people receive trusted, credible news. We will continue our mission. But we all must recognize this president as the “clear and present danger” that he is. Dictators typically attack both unions and a free press on their way to more heinous actions. On this day, Aug. 16, 2018, this union of journalists stands in solidarity with all who call out President Donald Trump for his deplorable attempts to weaken a free press and the FIRST Amendment.

Show your support for the Capital Gazette workers


Guild leaders, colleagues and friends are asking what is being done to support the families of the five people killed last week in the newsroom of the Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland.

Killed were Gerald Fischman, Robert Hiaasen, John McNamara, Rebecca Smith and Wendi Winters, who were gunned down in their newsroom on June 28. The man arrested had held a grudge against the newspaper for several years. Continue reading “Show your support for the Capital Gazette workers”

NewsGuild Statement on Tragic Shooting at Capital Gazette

 June 29, 2018 – Following is the statement issued by the NewsGuild-CWA on yesterday’s tragic shooting at the Capital Gazette in Annapolis:

A gunman with a vendetta against the newspaper shot and killed five employees of the Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland. These employees didn’t do their jobs for the money or the glory. Few of us do, but that’s especially true at a local newspaper where journalism is a community service. Continue reading “NewsGuild Statement on Tragic Shooting at Capital Gazette”

The NewsGuild-CWA joins with other free speech groups demanding AG Jeff Sessions explain seizure of reporter’s records

Following the Justice Department’s seizure of a reporter’s phone and email communications without prior notice, The NewsGuild-CWA, The National Press Club, PEN America and more than a dozen other leading organizations representing professional journalists and free speech advocates are demanding an explanation from Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Continue reading “The NewsGuild-CWA joins with other free speech groups demanding AG Jeff Sessions explain seizure of reporter’s records”

Journalist Protection Act

NewsGuild-CWA, NABET-CWA Support Journalist Protection Act Introduced in Senate

For Immediate Release – May 25, 2018

Contact: Bernie Lunzer
Sally Davidow

Washington, DC – Unions representing 30,000 reporters, photographers, and broadcast employees are praising a bill filed in the Senate by Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) and Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) on Friday that would make it a federal crime to assault a journalist. A similar bill was introduced in the House by Rep. Eric Swalwell of California in February. Continue reading “NewsGuild-CWA, NABET-CWA Support Journalist Protection Act Introduced in Senate”

Emilio Gutierrez Wins New Hearing on Request for Asylum

May 24, 2018 – Mexican journalist Emilio Gutiérrez has won a new hearing on his request for asylum in the U.S., press freedom organizations have reported. The U.S. Board of Immigration Appeals (BIA) ordered the new hearing, saying a judge must to consider additional evidence supporting the request. The Department of Homeland Security opposed Gutiérrez’s appeal. Continue reading “Emilio Gutierrez Wins New Hearing on Request for Asylum”

CWA Canada Steps Up Fight for Press Freedom

May 22, 2018 – CWA Canada is stepping up its efforts to protect press freedom in response to a spate of government intrusions on news organizations.

The union is part of a coalition challenging a “production order” issued by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) and upheld by the Ontario Court of Appeal that requires VICE reporter Ben Makuch to hand over all communication between him and an alleged terrorist. The coalition, which has been granted “intervenor status” in the case, includes Reporters Without Borders (RSF), Index on Censorship and the Committee to Protect Journalists. Continue reading “CWA Canada Steps Up Fight for Press Freedom”

World Press Freedom Day: Journalists Are on the Front Lines

May 3, 2018 – The NewsGuild-CWA joins freedom-loving people everywhere on World Press Freedom Day, to honor journalists who put their lives and liberty on the line in search of the truth.

This is truly a dangerous time to be a journalist. As Reporters Without Borders reported last month, hatred of journalism threatens democracies – today even more than it did just a year ago. Continue reading “World Press Freedom Day: Journalists Are on the Front Lines”