Hearst guild members stand arm in arm at a picnic outside.

Newsletter: Guild wins show the boss who’s ‘boss’!

We had a powerful union turnout two weeks ago at the Atlantic Union Rally! Guild members and labor allies gathered in D.C., right outside The Atlantic Festival 2024, the company’s highest profile event of the year. Rallygoers demanded that management recognize the value of the work produced by both the newsroom and business sides and agree to a fair contract. 

Workers have been fighting for a contract for two years while the company drags its feet. Among the key issues, the our members are pushing for:

  • Just Cause No Exceptions: A bedrock union protection that ensures due process around discipline.
  • Work-life balance: Including remote work flexibility
  • Layoff protections: As well as safeguarding jobs against the misuse of artificial intelligence. Earlier this year The Atlantic entered an opaque deal with OpenAI, the maker of ChatGPT.

Over 1,000 supporters have already signed the petition demanding that management provide these basic protections to Atlantic workers. Join them by signing the petition today!

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