Maryland introduces bill that would create tax credit for local news jobs

In late January, a tax credit to support journalism jobs in Maryland was introduced into the General Assembly.

The legislation would provide tax credits for Maryland news organizations up to $25,000 a year for newsroom employees in the first year and $15,000 per employee a year four years after that. 

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We Are The Union: A new book featuring member organizing in The NewsGuild-CWA

A new book featuring NewsGuild members is out now! We Are the Union by Eric Blanc focuses on the worker-to-worker model of organizing that revitalized the Guild, Workers United and other unions. It provides a roadmap for workers building a movement by connecting directly with each other. This is how the Guild’s Member Organizing Program works! Workers win their union, then help other workers win their union.

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Guild supports Maryland legislation that would require 120 days notice on the sale of a news organization

NewsGuild-CWA President Jon Schleuss testified on Wednesday in support of Maryland HB51, a bill that would require news organizations to provide 120 day notice to workers and the labor department before any sale can go through. The legislation mirrors a part of a bill passed in Illinois last year that became law this month. 

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Newsletter: Wildfires impacting our members

Destructive wildfires in Southern California have destroyed the homes of at least three of our members. At least 30 Guild members have been directly impacted in evacuation zones along with 220 other CWA members. Members and leaders at the Media Guild of the West and CWA District 9 are working to launch efforts to help our members. Members impacted by natural disasters can get support through the CWA Members’ Relief Fund, our strike fund. Please contact your stewards or local officers if you need assistance. 

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Workers at Autistic Self Advocacy Network seek voluntary recognition

On Wednesday, workers at the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, a nonprofit run by and for autistic people, announced their intent to unionize as the Autistic Self Advocacy Union. All 14 workers requested voluntary recognition to join the Pacific Media Workers Guild, TNG-CWA Local 39521.

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Spotlight PA journalists ratify first contract

Journalists at the nonprofit newsroom Spotlight PA ratified their first collective bargaining agreement, winning solid minimums, a 3% annual increase each year, a $750 ratification bonus, a grievance and arbitration policy, protections like just cause, guaranteed retirement contributions and a lot more. 

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Athletic journalists at New York Times seek recognition as part of newsroom union

For Immediate Release: Jan. 6, 2025

Contact: Jen Sheehan,, 610-573-0740

Times Guild leaders send statement to Times management showing their full support for the Athletic organizing.

NEW YORK –  Editorial staff at The Athletic announced Monday that they have organized with The NewsGuild of New York and are asking The New York Times to recognize them as part of the newsroom union, The Times Guild.

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NewsGuild of New York reaches contract deal with the Atlantic

Three-year agreements for journalists and business and technology workers boost wages by an average of 17%; raise salary floors by up to 55%; and feature strong new job-security measures, including “just cause.”

NEW YORK – Unionized staff at The Atlantic represented by The NewsGuild of New York have reached a tentative agreement with the magazine on three-year contracts for editorial as well as business and technology workers. The deal, if ratified by members, will raise salary floors for the lowest-paid by up to 55%, lift wages by an average of 17% over the life of the contract, and provide important job security as well as guardrails on the use of AI.

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Capital Area Food Bank workers aim to become first unionized food bank on the East Coast

For Immediate Release: Dec 17, 2024

Media Contact: Jake Karaisz,, 571-989-3861

WASHINGTON, D.C. & LORTON, VA — Workers at the Capital Area Food Bank are set to vote to unionize as the Capital Area Food Bank Workers, with the voting scheduled for January 2nd, 6th, and 7th. 

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