Professionals at Roosevelt Institute Organize a Union

Professional staff at the Roosevelt Institute, a think tank to advance the vision of Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, has moved to unionize with The NewsGuild of New York.

In a mission statement presented to senior management, Roosevelt Institute employees cited the importance of the Institute’s nationally recognized work on social and economic equality, while recognizing the need to establish workplace protections that promote the long-term health and stability of the organization.

“We believe that by unionizing we will make the entire organization stronger, and deepen our commitment to the values we espouse through our work,” said Katie Kirchner, Program Associate. Continue reading “Professionals at Roosevelt Institute Organize a Union”

DFM Wage Reopener Negotiations

Thirteen Guild-CWA bargaining units representing newsroom, advertising, circulation, and production departments at Digital First Media opened joint negotiations for a wage increase Thursday in Denver.

Union negotiators proposed a $1 per hour raise for all employees effective July 1. Management offered no proposal, stating that budgeting is under way for the next fiscal year that begins July 1, and that managers won’t be prepared to begin serious negotiations until June. Continue reading “DFM Wage Reopener Negotiations”

Sarasota Paper Becomes Second Guild Newsroom in Florida

Both Papers Are Owned By GateHouse Media

Following on the heels of a vote in Lakeland, journalists at the Sarasota Herald-Tribune voted by a margin of 22–16 to become the second Florida paper to become members of The NewsGuild-CWA. Both papers are owned by GateHouse Media. Continue reading “Sarasota Paper Becomes Second Guild Newsroom in Florida”

TNG-CWA Freedom Fund Awards Ceremony

Judges: The Reports of the Death of Journalism are Greatly Exaggerated

Anyone who reads the works of the winners of the Freedom awards for 2015 would see the state of reporting is not sad, but amazing. At a ceremony held December 7, 2016, reporter Terrence McCoy was awarded a plaque and a $5,000 check for winning the Heywood Broun award for a Washington Post series, “Freddy Gray’s Life a Study on the Effect of Lead Paint on Poor Blacks.” Continue reading “TNG-CWA Freedom Fund Awards Ceremony”

Digital First Media Workers Call for Alden to Invest in Quality Journalism

Employees at one of the nation’s biggest news organizations are launching a campaign to fight Wall Street’s ongoing attack on quality journalism.

Members of The NewsGuild-CWA announced today a new phase of the #NEWSMATTERS campaign at Digital First Media (DFM), the second-largest chain of newspapers and online news sites in the country. Continue reading “Digital First Media Workers Call for Alden to Invest in Quality Journalism”

Employees at Corus Vote to Join the Canadian Media Guild

The Canadian Media Guild won an election at Corus Quay. The vote was held after Shaw Media was bought by Corus and the two companies were merged. The television unit is made up of Master Control, Broadcast Technology and INR employees. About a third of the new unit were employees of Shaw. Negotiations for a collective agreement for the combined group will begin shortly.

President Lunzer: Be a Union Activist

Bernie LunzerPresident Trump declared the media as the enemy of the American people. Yet, people who work in the media know the Fourth Estate is a fundamental pillar of our democracy. What to do?

The NewsGuild-CWA has always fought for the rights of journalists — at the bargaining table, in the courtroom, and in the court of public opinion. Continue reading “President Lunzer: Be a Union Activist”

Minnesota Establishes Diversity Committee

The Star Tribune unit of the Minnesota Newspaper & Communications Guild held a Diversity Dialogue featuring speakers from the Islamic Resource Group. The presentation was called Islam 101 and the two presenters explained the basic prin- ciples of the Muslim faith, cultural practices, and issues Muslims face. The event was held less than one week before the November elections, for a standing room only crowd of about 50 people. It was a great success for the local’s newly formed Diversity Committee.

Hartman, Editor, Exits NewsGuild, with Appreciation from Lunzer

I want to thank Janelle Hartman for all of her work at The NewsGuild-CWA — she brought a splendid mix of news to The Guild Reporter and helped advance the message that, gosh darn it, we’re a good and vital union. She pumped up our Twitter and Facebook accounts and did an excellent job of bringing our message to folks who didn’t even know who we were. We wish her great happiness and success. She bleeds union values and cares deeply about our members. Good luck Janelle.

Protect Journalism’s Mission by Supporting American Ideals

Colin Dabkowski, vice president of Mobilizing, Buffalo Newspaper Guild
Colin Dabkowski, vice president of Mobilizing, Buffalo Newspaper Guild

By Colin Dabkowski

For journalists who take it as their mission to shape the public discourse, impartiality and skepticism are job requirements.

For those reasons, you’ll never see me endorse a political candidate publicly. I belong to no political party, nor have I ever contributed money to any campaign. I believe journalists should strenuously avoid partisanship, whether they cover the arts or city hall. Read the Full Essay