Staffers at The New Yorker protest at the home of Anna Wintour

Protesters chanted ‘The bosses wear Prada, workers get nada.’

The unionized workers of Condé Nast protested outside the home of Anna Wintour on Tuesday to call attention to management’s refusal to negotiate in good faith with staffers at The New Yorker, Pitchfork and Ars Technica. They were joined by media workers from other unionized newsrooms, including BuzzFeed, Time and New York magazine.

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NY Guild files labor charges against NY Times; launches petition campaign

Times Managers Violate Federal Labor Law, Forbid Tech Staffers From Showing Union Support

NEW YORK – The NewsGuild of New York has filed an Unfair Labor Practice charge with the National Labor Relations Board over union busting actions by Times management aimed at derailing a union organizing campaign among its tech staffers.

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Atlantic Digital Producers are unionizing

New York – Digital producers on Gannett’s Atlantic Digital Optimization Team (DOT) have formed a union with the NewsGuild of New York, CWA Local 31003 to advocate for themselves, their profession and the communities they serve. These employees work across a five-state region that comprises 37 websites in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland.

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NewsGuild denounces Belarus government’s grounding of civilian plane, arrest of journalist

The NewsGuild-CWA condemns in the strongest possible terms the Belarus government’s grounding of a civilian plane and the arrest of journalist Raman Pratasevich, who was a passenger on the flight.

We call for Pratasevich’s immediate release and the release of Sofia Sapega, who was traveling with him. 

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Statement on Tribune Shareholders Vote from NewsGuild’s Tribune newsrooms

NewsGuild units at the papers of Tribune Publishing issued the following joint statement on the vote by shareholders regarding the takeover by Alden Global Capital.

Today, Tribune Publishing shareholders voted to put profit and greed over local news in our country. 

While we are saddened by the turn of events, we know that our work over the past year — to build allies in the community and to raise awareness about Alden — is not in vain. Those allies will support us as we fight against Alden to protect local news and the cuts that they will inevitably try to make. 

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