Newsletter: NBC illegally laid off members (again)

Guild members at the Washington Post recently lined the hallway outside bargaining to stand with laid off colleagues. The company announced dozens of layoffs of our members on the business side, including members in Client Solutions and Public Relations. Those workers explained what they did for the Post while fighting for improvements to the severance package. 

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Newsletter: Wildfires impacting our members

Destructive wildfires in Southern California have destroyed the homes of at least three of our members. At least 30 Guild members have been directly impacted in evacuation zones along with 220 other CWA members. Members and leaders at the Media Guild of the West and CWA District 9 are working to launch efforts to help our members. Members impacted by natural disasters can get support through the CWA Members’ Relief Fund, our strike fund. Please contact your stewards or local officers if you need assistance. 

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Newsletter: The U.S. Senate has a chance to pass the bi-partisan PRESS Act

The U.S. Senate has a chance to pass the bi-partisan PRESS Act, a bill that would protect journalists and sources from government overreach. The legislation would create protections that already exist in almost every U.S. state. It would protect against future administrations intimidating whistleblowers and journalists and increase protections already provided in the First Amendment. 

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Newsletter: Washington Post CEO demands return to office—but he wasn’t there

This Thursday is Thanksgiving for our American members. I hope almost all of y’all have the day off and can enjoy spending it with friends and family and hold onto the people you’re thankful for. 

I think about how I was helped into this union by folks I never knew existed. And I see thousands of our members every week stand up for someone else and help someone else they don’t know. And that’s true power. 

I am thankful to be part of a massive family 27,000 large in the Guild alone. But 400,000 strong in the Communications Workers of America.

This week I’ll be especially thinking about how thousands of you have stood with our striking family in Pittsburgh at the Post-Gazette. Please join me in continuing to stand with them and donate directly to their holiday fund to help them this season.

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