PITTSBURGH – The 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals enjoined the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (PG) on Monday, requiring the company to—among other orders—restore the health care it illegally took away from editorial workers, addressing a core demand of the union workers who have struck for more than 29 months.
“It is further ordered that the Respondent, PG Publishing Co., Inc. d/b/a Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, and its officers, agents, successors, and assigns, shall: …rescind the changes in the terms and conditions of employment related to health insurance for its unit employees that were unilaterally implemented on about July 27, 2020,” the order, written by Judge Cindy K. Chung, reads.
The PG is also required to bargain with the Newspaper Guild of Pittsburgh-CWA Local 38061, submit bargaining progress reports to Region 6 of the National Labor Relations Board, and negotiate with the workers’ union on any changes in wages, hours, or any other terms of employment.
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