
NewsGuild denounces Belarus government’s grounding of civilian plane, arrest of journalist

The NewsGuild-CWA condemns in the strongest possible terms the Belarus government’s grounding of a civilian plane and the arrest of journalist Raman Pratasevich, who was a passenger on the flight.

We call for Pratasevich’s immediate release and the release of Sofia Sapega, who was traveling with him. 

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Statement on Tribune Shareholders Vote from NewsGuild’s Tribune newsrooms

NewsGuild units at the papers of Tribune Publishing issued the following joint statement on the vote by shareholders regarding the takeover by Alden Global Capital.

Today, Tribune Publishing shareholders voted to put profit and greed over local news in our country. 

While we are saddened by the turn of events, we know that our work over the past year — to build allies in the community and to raise awareness about Alden — is not in vain. Those allies will support us as we fight against Alden to protect local news and the cuts that they will inevitably try to make. 

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The Daily Beast Union Eliminates NDAs in a Standard-Setting Contract for Media Unions

Amidst a pandemic, Guild members at The Daily Beast negotiated a contract that eliminates NDAs, codifies equity-based pay structures, and implements DEI opportunities and protections.

New York—Members of The Daily Beast Union overwhelmingly ratified a two-year agreement that codifies unprecedented protections for media workers and ushers in a shift in newsroom culture that fosters transparency, inclusion, and greater accountability. 

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Staffers at Forbes announce they’re forming a union

Journalists at Forbes announced their intention to unionize with The NewsGuild’s New York Local on Tuesday, with more than 80% of eligible staffers signed on to the campaign. They are asking management to “respect their collective voice” and recognize their union voluntarily.

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Ahead of Tribune shareholder vote, journalists and supporters around U.S. protest Alden takeover bid

Hundreds of NewsGuild members rallied in Chicago, Orlando, Virginia Beach, Hartford and Annapolis on May 15 in an effort to stop Alden Global Capital’s planned takeover of Tribune Publishing. Tribune shareholders will vote on Alden’s bid to purchase the company on May 21.

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NewsGuild statement on Israeli government bombing of media organizations’ offices

The NewsGuild-CWA condemns the Israeli government’s attack on media organizations in Gaza in the strongest possible terms. The intentional bombing of offices housing the Associated Press and Al Jazeera was a blatant attack on press freedom that was clearly intended to prevent independent reporting on the government’s actions. It violates international law.

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Communities call on Tribune Publishing to vote against takeover bid

MAY 13, 2021
CONTACT: Sally Davidow

Residents and local organizations served by Tribune Publishing newspapers have a message for the company’s shareholders: vote NO to a proposed takeover by Alden Global Capital.

With shareholders set to vote May 21 on a $17.25 per share bid by the New York hedge fund, dozens of prominent individuals, local unions and community organizations served notice to Trib Pub shareholders that their actions could have profound impacts on millions of stakeholders, posting a letter to shareholders on the Securities & Exchange Commission’s EDGAR database.

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