Pittsburgh Guild Launches Byline Strike to Protest Contentious Contract Talks

Jan. 25, 2018 – One hundred fifty newsroom employees at the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette have instituted a byline strike to protest 12 years of pay cuts and additional concessions demanded by family-owned Block Communications, Inc., in contract talks, local Pittsburgh Newspaper Guild President Michael A. Fuoco has announced. Continue reading “Pittsburgh Guild Launches Byline Strike to Protest Contentious Contract Talks”

Jacobin Members Ratify First Contract

Jacobin workers have a lot to celebrate.

Jan. 24, 2018 – NewsGuild-CWA members at Jacobin, a Brooklyn-based print and online magazine that offers socialist perspectives on politics and culture, overwhelmingly ratified a first contract between the company and The NewsGuild of New York, the local that represents them. The contract will remain in effect until Dec. 15, 2021. Continue reading “Jacobin Members Ratify First Contract”

Guild Tells Court: No Retaliation

Jan. 20, 2018 – The Guild joined the Reporters Committee and 22 media organizations in submitting a brief to the Ninth Circuit Court in support of former journalist Brian Addison, who alleges that Baker City, Ore., and its police chief retaliated against him after he wrote a column critical of the police department. Continue reading “Guild Tells Court: No Retaliation”

Lawsuit Claims Hundreds of Employers Illegally Excluded Older Americans from Job Ads on Facebook

Dec. 21, 2017 – The Communications Workers of America and three workers filed a class-action lawsuit against T-Mobile, Amazon, Cox and hundreds of other large employers charging they illegally excluded older workers from receiving job ads on Facebook for positions at their companies.

Continue reading “Lawsuit Claims Hundreds of Employers Illegally Excluded Older Americans from Job Ads on Facebook”

CWA-Represented Workers at AT&T to Get $1,000 Bonus

Dec. 21, 2017 – Following discussions with AT&T CEO Randall Stephenson, CWA President Chris Shelton reported that CWA-represented workers at AT&T will receive a $1,000 bonus. The announcement follows a union campaign to demand that CEOs increase workers’ pay in response to claims by GOP leaders that their corporate tax cut would result in pay increases of $4,000 per year. 

Continue reading “CWA-Represented Workers at AT&T to Get $1,000 Bonus”

CWA: Senate Republicans Give Billions to Corporations and the Wealthy, at the Expense of Working Families

Dec. 2, 2017 – Statement by CWA President Chris Shelton on the Republican tax plan passed by the U.S. Senate:

Republicans in the U.S. Senate voted to move ahead with their tax plan that hands over billions of dollars to corporations and the 1 percent at the expense of working and middle income families who will be stuck paying the bill. Continue reading “CWA: Senate Republicans Give Billions to Corporations and the Wealthy, at the Expense of Working Families”

DFM Workers: Stop pillaging our community newspapers to finance your mansion buying sprees!

Nov. 21, 2017 – Employees of news organizations owned by Alden Global Capital, a shadowy hedge fund that now controls 200 newspapers across the country, are telling head honchos Randall Smith and Heath Freeman: Stop pillaging our community newspapers to finance your mansion buying sprees!

Sign their petition here.