
More on Voter Eligibility for Election of Guild President

Aug. 21, 2019 – Several questions have arisen since The NewsGuild-CWA Executive Council issued its decision regarding voter eligibility in the upcoming Guild presidential election. This article will help further clarify the process for achieving and maintaining good standing membership and voter eligibility. Continue reading “More on Voter Eligibility for Election of Guild President”

Executive Council Responses to Candidate’s Election Questions

Aug. 16, 2019 – The Sector Election and Referendum Committee referred to the Executive Council three questions posed by a candidate regarding eligibility to vote in the Guild’s pending presidential election. The Executive Council takes up these questions as an exercise of the responsibility assigned to it under Article IX, Section 9 of the Guild Constitution.

These questions and the EC’s answers may assist other members in understanding the voting requirements, so this exchange is offered to help members fully understand their dues obligations with regard to enfranchisement in the re-run election. Continue reading “Executive Council Responses to Candidate’s Election Questions”

Election Committee Orders Re-run of Election for NewsGuild President

Aug. 12, 2019 – The Sector Election and Referendum Committee of The NewsGuild-CWA has voted to order a re-run of the election for TNG President. The committee’s decision and the schedule for the new election can be read here. The SERC directs locals to take all appropriate steps to communicate this decision and election schedule to Guild members.

Press freedom advocates win victory in case arising from Epstein sexual abuse charges

Updated Aug. 9, 2018 – The Second Circuit denied a pending petition for rehearing  filed by Ghislaine Maxwell in the case of Giuffre v. Maxwell.  Immediately after entering the order, the Court began unsealing the material. Continue reading “Press freedom advocates win victory in case arising from Epstein sexual abuse charges”

Guild joins groups opposing expansion of Intelligence Identities Act

Aug. 9, 2019 – The NewsGuild-CWA joined the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and three dozen other organizations in signing a letter to members of Congress urging them to oppose the dramatic expansion of the Intelligence Identities Protection Act of 1982, one of the few laws that criminalizes the publication of truthful information about government activities. The bill expanding the law was recently rushed through Congress without meaningful debate, the letter said. Continue reading “Guild joins groups opposing expansion of Intelligence Identities Act”

Guild joins press freedom groups in FOIA brief

Aug. 7, 2019 – The NewsGuild-CWA joined the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and two dozen other organizations filing a “friend of the court” brief in the case of Amadis v. Department of State, a federal Freedom of Information Act case on appeal to the DC Circuit. The case presents the first opportunity for the DC Circuit to address FOIA’s new “foreseeable harm” standard, which was added as part of the FOIA Improvement Act of 2016. Continue reading “Guild joins press freedom groups in FOIA brief”

Facing Gannett, GateHouse Merger, NewsGuild Renews Commitment to Save Local News

For Immediate Release, Aug. 5, 2019

 Contact: Sally Davidow
(202) 434-1162

Bernie Lunzer
(202) 258-3231

Aug. 5, 2019 – The NewsGuild-CWA is watching with concern the announced acquisition Monday of Gannett by New Media Investment Group, the owner of GateHouse Media.

In recent years, news company mergers have resulted in a degradation of news coverage and a reduction of jobs. Mergers like this one have resulted in the creation of news deserts and the reduction of coverage of high school sports, city council meetings, and the watchdog function news organizations play in American society.

In the face of the merger, The NewsGuild is renewing its commitment to fight for journalism that enables communities to hold local government and business accountable, that tells the stories of neighborhoods and unites the people. The NewsGuild is determined to save local news. Continue reading “Facing Gannett, GateHouse Merger, NewsGuild Renews Commitment to Save Local News”

Crosscut Workers Vote Unanimously to Unionize

July 31, 2019 – Newsroom employees at Crosscut and KCTS 9, part of Cascade Public Media in Seattle, voted 16-0 to unionize with the Pacific Northwest Newspaper Guild, Local 37082 of The NewsGuild-CWA.

Workers said they organized to fight for pay that keeps up with the cost of living, to preserve quality, in-depth journalism, and to push back against a troubling increased focus on click goals and quotas. Continue reading “Crosscut Workers Vote Unanimously to Unionize”