
In historic move, Packet/Gazette Guild wins voluntary union recognition from McClatchy

Sept. 11, 2020 – Journalists at The Hilton Head Island Packet and Beaufort Gazette newspapers made history Thursday evening, when President and Editor Brian Tolley announced the company would voluntarily recognize their union — The Packet/Gazette Guild. This is the first voluntary recognition by a McClatchy publication in recent years. Continue reading “In historic move, Packet/Gazette Guild wins voluntary union recognition from McClatchy”

Journalists of Hilton Head Island Packet, Beaufort Gazette hope to become South Carolina’s first union newspaper

Sept. 9, 2020 – The journalists at The Hilton Head Island Packet and Beaufort Gazette took a major step toward becoming South Carolina’s first active newspaper union on Wednesday, announcing they are forming the Packet/Gazette Guild. Continue reading “Journalists of Hilton Head Island Packet, Beaufort Gazette hope to become South Carolina’s first union newspaper”

There’s no shortage of news in Springfield, Ill., but they are running low on reporters.

SPRINGFIELD, Illinois, Sept. 4, 2020 – The daily newspaper in this capital city of 115,000 is one of the go-to places for political coverage in a state where consecutive governors went to federal prison, the state’s finances are precarious and the longtime speaker of the Illinois House may be in the crosshairs of a federal investigation. Continue reading “There’s no shortage of news in Springfield, Ill., but they are running low on reporters.”

Newsletter: Pittsburgh members vote to strike, job opening and more organizing

Subscribe to the Guild’s newsletter here.

September 2, 2020

There’s been no slowdown in Guild news during this summer’s pandemic as every week brings new challenges for us to fight and new units for us to represent.

The big news was in Pittsburgh, where the Post-Gazette newsroom voted 88-31 last month to call a strike – joining three other CWA units at the paper, who also voted in favor of striking.

Authorization for the Guild local to strike is now in the hands of the Guild Executive Council and the CWA Executive Board. President Chris Shelton, in consultation with vice presidents and local leaders, picks the strike date.

Continue reading “Newsletter: Pittsburgh members vote to strike, job opening and more organizing”

Hartford among growing rank of cities demanding answers from Alden Global Capital, ‘destroyer of newspapers’

This article by Julie Reynolds first appeared on the website on Aug. 14, 2020.

Aug. 17, 2020 – The City Council in Hartford, Connecticut, has joined Chicago, Denver and other cities by announcing that it is crafting a resolution condemning Alden Global Capital, the vulture hedge fund that has decimated local newspapers across the country. Continue reading “Hartford among growing rank of cities demanding answers from Alden Global Capital, ‘destroyer of newspapers’”