Workers at Digital First Media, GateHouse Join Forces on Press Freedom Day

Unionized workers at media outlets owned by GateHouse Media and Digital First Media (DFM) will mark World Press Freedom Day – May 3 – by sending a message to their employers: “Democracy Depends on Journalism: Invest in Us.”

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As World Press Freedom Day Approaches, ‘Right to Report’ Campaign Takes Off

As World Press Freedom Day – May 3 – approaches, journalists are launching a campaign to protect the Right to Report, says NewsGuild-CWA President Bernie Lunzer. He is urging all those who treasure freedom of the press to sign a petition and join the fight to protect this treasured right.

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Union Member Rights in the Workplace

Your Right to Form a Union
The National Labor Relations Act guarantees your legal right to join or form a union without interference, restraint or coercion from your employer. The relevant sections of National Labor Relations Act are summarized as follows on the website of the National Labor Relations Board:

  • Employees have the right to unionize, to join together to advance their interests as employees, and to refrain from such activity. It is unlawful for an employer to interfere with, restrain, or coerce employees in the exercise of their rights. For example, employers may not respond to a union organizing drive by threatening, interrogating, or spying on pro-union employees, or by promising benefits if they forget about the union.
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How a Union Leads to a Better Workplace

Once the employer recognizes the employees will be members of The NewsGuild, there is a process to legally negotiate about work rules and standards.

Choosing a union allows employees to negotiate as a group to create a better workplace. Once the employer recognizes the employees will be members of The NewsGuild, there is a process to legally negotiate about work rules and standards, what is know as terms and conditions of employment. Even without a union, the law allows individual employees a right to negotiate their terms and conditions of employment. Continue reading “How a Union Leads to a Better Workplace”

Electing Union Leaders

The NewsGuild, and our parent union, the Communications Workers of America, value the importance of membership involvement in the union’s operation 365 days a year. Democracy is a key to the functioning of The NewsGuild. The officers of the Guild still are elected directly by the members and The NewsGuild chairperson is an unpaid position eligible to any member who is not an employee of The NewsGuild or works full-time for a local. Continue reading “Electing Union Leaders”