CWA: Senate Republicans Give Billions to Corporations and the Wealthy, at the Expense of Working Families
Dec. 2, 2017 – Statement by CWA President Chris Shelton on the Republican tax plan passed by the U.S. Senate:
Republicans in the U.S. Senate voted to move ahead with their tax plan that hands over billions of dollars to corporations and the 1 percent at the expense of working and middle income families who will be stuck paying the bill. Continue reading “CWA: Senate Republicans Give Billions to Corporations and the Wealthy, at the Expense of Working Families”

CWA: Employers Should Guarantee ‘$4,000 Wage Increase’ Promised by Trump Tax Plan
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CWA: Employers Should Guarantee ‘$4,000 Wage Increase’ Promised by Trump Tax Plan
Nov. 21, 2017 – The Communications Workers of America wants to make sure that the nation’s biggest employers actually give working families the average $4,000 wage increases that the Trump administration says will result from cutting the corporate tax rate. Continue reading “CWA: Employers Should Guarantee ‘$4,000 Wage Increase’ Promised by Trump Tax Plan”
CWA: Working Families Will Pay for Tax Cuts for Corporations and the 1 Percent
Continue reading “CWA: Working Families Will Pay for Tax Cuts for Corporations and the 1 Percent”
CWA Calls on FCC to Investigate Harmful Corporate Sales Practices in Telecom Industry
Guild Members Stand Up for ‘Right to Report’

September 2017 – Members of The NewsGuild-CWA are continuing to stand up for reporters and press freedom through the Right to Report project, even as President Trump amps up his attacks on both.
The president’s war on the media gained steam throughout the summer, beginning with his decision to retweet a 28-second video that depicted him beating up CNN and ending with him questioning journalists’ patriotism at a 2020 campaign rally in Phoenix.
“Trump’s attacks on journalists are straight out of the authoritarian playbook,” said NewsGuild-CWA President Bernie Lunzer. “His goal is to delegitimize the press; distort the truth; deny the American people access to information, and distract from news he doesn’t like. Continue reading “Guild Members Stand Up for ‘Right to Report’”
CWA: Medicare for All Legislation Makes Sense
Sept. 20, 2017 – “Sen. Bernie Sanders’ Medicare for All legislation sets the stage for a health care system that finally would make good health care available and affordable for every American,” CWA President Chris Shelton said in a press statement Sept. 19. “CWA long has supported an overhaul of our health care system and a ‘single payer’ plan that would provide universal coverage. The Medicare for All Act is one opportunity to do just that.”
Despite the fact that the U.S. spends more on health care than any other industrialized nation, the U.S. lags behind the nations of the world that guarantee universal access to affordable, quality health care, he noted.
“Right now, Senate Republicans are trying to push through the Graham-Cassidy bill that would make our health care system much worse for working families. It would cut protections for people with pre-existing conditions and allow insurance companies to make their health care so expensive that ordinary Americans couldn’t afford it. It would put an ‘age tax’ in place, requiring older Americans to pay thousands of dollars more, it will make health care bargaining much more difficult and it would slash the Medicaid program.
“It’s a mean-spirited and extreme measure that CWA and our allies will resist.”
CWA: Trump’s Move on Dreamers is Cruel and Mean-Spirited
Continue reading “CWA: Trump’s Move on Dreamers is Cruel and Mean-Spirited”
On Strike: AT&T Wireless, Wireline, DIRECTV Workers Walk off Job
AT&T workers who are members of Communications Workers of America (CWA) walked off the job May 19 for a three-day strike, protesting AT&T’s failure to present serious proposals that invest in good jobs with a future. During the job action this weekend, a majority of AT&T wireless, wireline and DIRECTV workers fighting for their contracts are expected to be on strike. Click here to read more.