Workers at Three Digital Publications Win Union Recognition

May 22, 2019 – The NewsGuild-CWA had a banner day on May 21, when three digital publications organized by the New York Local won voluntary union recognition.

Workers at Ars Technica, Pitchfork and Quartz are the latest to join the wave of journalists who are unionizing. Continue reading “Workers at Three Digital Publications Win Union Recognition”

Senators blast Alden Global Capital’s “newspaper-killing business model”

This article first appeared on the website of DFM Workers on May 20, 2019.

By Julie Reynolds

May 21, 2019 – Twenty-one prominent US Senators have sent a scathing letter to the founders of Alden Global Capital, decrying its “newspaper-killing business model” and vowing to “continue watching Alden closely.” Continue reading “Senators blast Alden Global Capital’s “newspaper-killing business model””

Alden Suffers Stinging Defeat in Effort to Take Over Gannett

May 16, 2019 – Alden Global Capital, the hedge fund known as “the destroyer of newspapers,” suffered a stinging defeat on Thursday when Gannett shareholders rejected its hostile takeover bid.

The NewsGuild-CWA, which called had called on Gannett shareholders to reject Alden’s take-over efforts, was thrilled with the news. Continue reading “Alden Suffers Stinging Defeat in Effort to Take Over Gannett”

Vote Count Gets Underway in Election of NewsGuild President

Updated 4:10 p.m. EDT

The ballot total has been revised to 2,227. Two pieces of mail retrieved from the post office box were not intended for the Guild.

May 13, 2019 – Members of the Sector Election and Referendum Committee (SERC) have begun processing ballots in the election of The NewsGuild-CWA president. Ballots were retrieved from the post office box in Washington, DC, on May 13 and transported to the MITAGS facility outside Baltimore, where the count is taking place. Continue reading “Vote Count Gets Underway in Election of NewsGuild President”

NewsGuild Election Committee to Begin Vote Count May 13th

The following statement was issued by Scott Edmonds, Chairman of the NewsGuild/CWA Sector Election and Referendum Committee.

May 10, 2019 – “The election to determine who will be president of the NewsGuild/CWA is entering its final phase, which will conclude sometime next week. Continue reading “NewsGuild Election Committee to Begin Vote Count May 13th”

NewsGuild joins press freedom groups in ‘friend of the court’ brief

April 29, 2019 – The NewsGuild-CWA joined the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and 31 other media organizations in filing an amicus brief in Gubarev v. BuzzFeed, a defamation action before the 11th Circuit.

The case arises from a January 2017 BuzzFeed article that published the “Trump-Russia dossier,” also known as the “Steele dossier.” Continue reading “NewsGuild joins press freedom groups in ‘friend of the court’ brief”

Under federal investigation, Alden pulls half its proposed Gannett takeover slate

This article first appeared on April 25, 2019, on the website of

By Julie Reynolds

April 26, 2019 – It’s been a tough week for Alden Global Capital, the hedge fund trying to take over the nation’s largest newspaper chain, as senators, shareholders, creditors and federal agencies are all looking into a slew of self-dealing allegations.

First, the Washington Post reported last week that the Labor Department is interested in the roughly $250 million of news workers’ pension monies that Alden quietly shifted into its own Cayman-Island-based accounts. Continue reading “Under federal investigation, Alden pulls half its proposed Gannett takeover slate”

TIME digital staff requests voluntary union recognition; seeks to end ‘digital divide’

April 25, 2019 – Digital employees of TIME requested voluntary union recognition April 25, seeking union protection and equity with the magazine’s print employees. Although the publication has been represented by the New York local of The NewsGuild-CWA for nearly 80 years, the former owners of Time Inc. maintained an antiquated divide to keep employees they identified as “digital” out of the bargaining unit. Continue reading “TIME digital staff requests voluntary union recognition; seeks to end ‘digital divide’”

Unions call for Gannett shareholders to reject hedge fund’s takeover slate

This article first appeared on April 11, 2019, on the website of

By Julie Reynolds

April 16, 2019 – Leaders of the NewsGuild and Teamsters unions have issued a call to Gannett shareholders this week to reject a “hopelessly conflicted” board takeover effort by vulture hedge fund Alden Global Capital, owner of Digital First Media newspapers. Continue reading “Unions call for Gannett shareholders to reject hedge fund’s takeover slate”