
Chicago NewsGuild: Say ‘No’ to Newspaper Monopoly

May 30, 2017 – The people of Chicago are in danger of losing the Chicago Sun-Times, one of the city’s two major daily newspapers, members of the Chicago News Guild report.

The danger is the result of a proposed a sale to the parent company of the Sun-Times’ only real competitor, the Chicago Tribune. The impending sale also will affect The Reader, a free alternative weekly known for its in-depth coverage of Chicago politics and culture. Continue reading “Chicago NewsGuild: Say ‘No’ to Newspaper Monopoly”

Trump to Blame for Rash of Attacks on Reporters, NewsGuild-CWA Says

May 25 – “Hatred of the media has been stoked by the president of the United States and some who support him — and the results are not surprising,” said NewsGuild-CWA President Bernie Lunzer when he learned of the assault on Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs by a candidate for Congress.

“Ben Jacobs – and all journalists who ask tough questions in search of the truth – are among the heroes of the moment,” he added. “They are acting on behalf of the American people – asking questions, reporting facts, filling in the blanks, and making connections.” Continue reading “Trump to Blame for Rash of Attacks on Reporters, NewsGuild-CWA Says”

On Strike: AT&T Wireless, Wireline, DIRECTV Workers Walk off Job

AT&T workers who are members of Communications Workers of America (CWA) walked off the job May 19 for a three-day strike, protesting AT&T’s failure to present serious proposals that invest in good jobs with a future. During the job action this weekend, a majority of AT&T wireless, wireline and DIRECTV workers fighting for their contracts are expected to be on strike. Click here to read more.

War on Journalists Escalates

NewsGuild-CWA Lauds ‘Heroes of the Moment’

May 19, 2017 – Barely noticed in a May 16 New York Times article by NewsGuild-CWA member Michael S. Schmidt was this gem:

“Alone in the Oval Office, Mr. Trump began the discussion by condemning leaks to the news media, saying that Mr. Comey should consider putting reporters in prison for publishing classified information, according to one of Mr. Comey’s associates.” Continue reading “War on Journalists Escalates”

NewsGuild-CWA Condemns Arrest of WV Reporter

‘This is my job. This is what I’m supposed to do.’

Updated May 19, 2017  to include letters of protest.

May 10, 2017 – “The NewsGuild-CWA condemns the arrest of radio reporter Dan Heyman on May 9, 2017,” said President Bernie Lunzer. “This is a chilling attack on the right to report. Every journalist across the country should take notice.” Continue reading “NewsGuild-CWA Condemns Arrest of WV Reporter”

O-1 Visa Requests

Updated January 2020 – Journalists seeking 0-1 visas to the U.S. are required by the Department of Homeland Security to submit opinion letters from The NewsGuild-CWA on the suitability of their request.

The visa application requires petitioners to contact the labor union with jurisdiction over work they seek to perform to obtain an advisory opinion on whether the visa should be granted.

To qualify for an O-1 visa in journalism, applicants must be journalists or other news professionals. Applicants must demonstrate extraordinary achievement evidenced by a degree of skill and recognition significantly above that ordinarily encountered to the extent the person is recognized as outstanding, notable or leading in the journalism field. Visit the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services site to review the qualifications.

Steps for Submitting Requests for Review

To request a review, please send a synopsis of the work you are seeking, a summary of your qualifications and the completed USCIS application to Do not include the complete body of work supporting the application with the initial request for review.

After an initial review, eligible applicants will be invited to send documentation and payment, providing the work to be performed is within the Guild’s jurisdiction. If the Guild determines during the initial review that the request is not within the Guild’s jurisdiction, applicants will be notified.

Eligible petitioners will then be required to submit all supporting documentation (e.g., proof of awards, reviews, articles, and testimonials); a valid copy of the petitioner’s passport; a copy of the I-129 petition form; and a copy of the employment contract. Please include all materials and supporting documentation that are provided to immigration officials, including, but not limited to, a broad sample of the petitioner’s work in the U.S., for international publications or websites.

A hard copy of the documentation should be sent to The NewsGuild, 501 Third Street NW, Washington DC 20001, along with the fee for this service, which is $550 USD for a three- to four-week turnaround.

Petitions will not be reviewed unless all steps have been completed. Petitions are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Please allow for the full processing time regarding your USCIS deadline. There is no option to expedite.

If you have questions, please contact: Dominique Edmondson at (202) 434-7177 or


CWA Condemns House Healthcare Bill

May 4, 2017 – Statement by President Chris Shelton, Communications Workers of America, on the proposed health care plan introduced last night by House Republicans:

We’re still learning about the health care plan proposed by House Republicans. It’s clear, however, that the legislation provides a big tax giveaway to corporations and the 1 percent, while working families, seniors and children are stuck picking up the tab. Continue reading “CWA Condemns House Healthcare Bill”

Journalists Mark Press Freedom Day with Campaign for the ‘Right to Report’

Members of the NewsGuild-CWA marked World Press Freedom Day on May 3 by launching a campaign to protect the Right to Report. The union is asking all those who treasure freedom of the press to sign a petition and join the fight to protect this cherished right.

Continue reading “Journalists Mark Press Freedom Day with Campaign for the ‘Right to Report’”

In First-Ever Coordinated Actions, GateHouse, DFM Workers Stand Up for Press Freedom

May 4, 2017 – NewsGuild-CWA members at 28 digital media companies owned by Gatehouse Media and Digital First Media (DFM) observed World Press Freedom Day on May 3 with coordinated actions to support quality journalism at the papers and to highlight the damage wrought by severe cuts in their newsrooms and other departments.

The activities, which included rallies and displays of signs and banners at work stations, aimed to raise awareness of the growing threat that “vulture” hedge funds pose to the nation’s community newspapers. Union leaders say the newspaper owners’ excessive profiteering threatens journalism at a critical time of politicized attacks on the news media. The events marked the first coordinated acts of solidarity by GateHouse and DFM workers. Continue reading “In First-Ever Coordinated Actions, GateHouse, DFM Workers Stand Up for Press Freedom”

Boston Herald Employees Boycott Twitter After Management Suspends Reporter

Managers at the Boston Herald got an unwelcome surprise after they suspended reporter Chris Villani – allegedly for violating the company’s social media policy. The 2013 policy, which requires reporters to get approval from the Executive Editor or his designee prior to tweeting breaking news, had never been enforced before.

Reporters launched a Twitter boycott – blacking out their profile images and refraining from tweeting. Continue reading “Boston Herald Employees Boycott Twitter After Management Suspends Reporter”