Newsletter: Stand with student journalists on World Press Freedom Day

World Press Freedom Day couldn’t come at a more poignant time. This week, amid growing unrest on college campuses over the Israel-Gaza war, courageous student journalists across the continent worked tirelessly under precarious conditions to deliver accurate reporting to their communities and the entire nation at large.

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NewsGuild-CWA Statement on Gannett Q1 Results

Media Contact: Asya Pikovsky,, 207-522-2442

NEW YORK – In response to the release of Gannett’s Quarter 1 earnings calls today, The NewsGuild-CWA released the following statement from President Jon Schleuss. The NewsGuild-CWA represents more than 50 Gannett bargaining units across the country, collectively covering more than 1,000 employees.

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NewsGuild-CWA Stands With Student Journalists, Calls on Universities and Law Enforcement to Respect Press Freedom

Contact: Rebekah Entralgo, (202) 304-2241

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Amid growing unrest on college campuses over the Israel-Gaza war, The NewsGuild-CWA, the largest union representing America’s journalists, stands in solidarity with the courageous student journalists working under precarious conditions to deliver accurate, reliable news to not only their communities, but the nation at large.

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California’s Journalists Call on Google to Stop Silencing Journalism on Their Platform


April 12, 2024

Contact: Rebekah Entralgo, (202) 304-2241

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Following Google’s action to temporarily block California-based news outlets’ content for some state residents in response to the proposed California Journalism Preservation Act, as reported in Politico on Friday April, 2024, Jon Schluess – President of The NewsGuild-CWA, Matt Pearce – President of Media Guild of the West TNG-CWA Local 39213, and Annie Sciacca – President of the Pacific Media Workers Guild TNG-CWA Local 39521 have released the following joint statement: 

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Supermajority of 1199SEIU UHWE Staff Petition to Unionize, Make Labor History at Nation’s Largest Union Local

Washington, DC — Today, a supermajority of eligible 1199SEIU “In House Staff” employees – from New York to Massachusetts to Florida – filed a Union petition with the National Labor Relations Board and demanded voluntary recognition to join WBNG Newsguild-CWA Local 32035.

“We are forming our Union because we deeply believe that all workers—including union staff—deserve dignity, respect, and a democratic voice on the job. We work every day to ensure thousands of healthcare workers from Massachusetts to Florida have a seat at the table and the power to uplift the communities in their care” reads worker organizers’ mission statement.

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