Human Rights Conference is reminder that union important in fighting for women, against racism

By Martha Waggoner, Guild International Chair

It’s more important than ever that workers who are harassed and discriminated on the job have unions to protect them and be their voice, say members of The NewsGuild-CWA who worked at the recent Human Rights Conference. Continue reading “Human Rights Conference is reminder that union important in fighting for women, against racism”

O-1 Visa Requests

Updated January 2020 – Journalists seeking 0-1 visas to the U.S. are required by the Department of Homeland Security to submit opinion letters from The NewsGuild-CWA on the suitability of their request.

The visa application requires petitioners to contact the labor union with jurisdiction over work they seek to perform to obtain an advisory opinion on whether the visa should be granted.

To qualify for an O-1 visa in journalism, applicants must be journalists or other news professionals. Applicants must demonstrate extraordinary achievement evidenced by a degree of skill and recognition significantly above that ordinarily encountered to the extent the person is recognized as outstanding, notable or leading in the journalism field. Visit the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services site to review the qualifications.

Steps for Submitting Requests for Review

To request a review, please send a synopsis of the work you are seeking, a summary of your qualifications and the completed USCIS application to Do not include the complete body of work supporting the application with the initial request for review.

After an initial review, eligible applicants will be invited to send documentation and payment, providing the work to be performed is within the Guild’s jurisdiction. If the Guild determines during the initial review that the request is not within the Guild’s jurisdiction, applicants will be notified.

Eligible petitioners will then be required to submit all supporting documentation (e.g., proof of awards, reviews, articles, and testimonials); a valid copy of the petitioner’s passport; a copy of the I-129 petition form; and a copy of the employment contract. Please include all materials and supporting documentation that are provided to immigration officials, including, but not limited to, a broad sample of the petitioner’s work in the U.S., for international publications or websites.

A hard copy of the documentation should be sent to The NewsGuild, 501 Third Street NW, Washington DC 20001, along with the fee for this service, which is $550 USD for a three- to four-week turnaround.

Petitions will not be reviewed unless all steps have been completed. Petitions are processed on a first-come, first-served basis. Please allow for the full processing time regarding your USCIS deadline. There is no option to expedite.

If you have questions, please contact: Dominique Edmondson at (202) 434-7177 or


Our Media Community

The NewsGuild-CWA is the premier union representing journalists, interpreters and translators, social justice workers, and nonprofit and public-sector professionals in North America.

The NewsGuild-CWA has evolved quite a bit since it was formed in 1933 as the union for journalists. Since then, our unparalleled expertise in this rapidly changing industry, along with our uncompromising dedication to open and democratic leadership, has augmented our membership with professionals from many new, diverse types of workplaces.

Together, we are building community, and an increasingly powerful union to confront the common challenges that face us.

Our Mission

The NewsGuild-CWA seeks to improve our lives through the building of community, at home and in the workplace. We are our Union. Through commitment to open democratic function we improve not only our own organization and the lives of our members, but fight most effectively for our common interests: sustainable jobs, equality in the workplace, dignified working conditions and the defense of ethical practices in our work.

Our Members

With an uncompromising dedication to open and democratic leadership, members set the agenda for The NewsGuild-CWA, setting standards to create better workplaces. NewsGuild members literally have a seat at the table in negotiations with employers. Members elect leaders and vote directly on negotiated agreements.

THE NEWSGUILD-CWA has its genesis as a print journalists’ union and has grown to become the premier media union in the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico. Journalism is undergoing a rapid change in form, distribution, and financial stability, moving a once steady career path to one of great uncertainty of consistent employment. Through good times and bad, NewsGuild members fight for quality and ethics in media industry.

The NewsGuild represents more than 24,000 journalists and other media workers in news organizations. Members include reporters, columnists, copy editors, photojournalists, graphic designers, editorial cartoonists and others. Additionally, the Guild represents workers in advertising, circulation, business offices and other departments essential to the operations of media enterprises.

With more than 200 agreements negotiated collectively with management, The NewsGuild has grown to represent much more than journalists. The NewsGuild represents media workers in print, online, broadcast; spoken-language and sign-language interpreters and translators; social justice workers; and non profit and public sector professionals.

A vital part of NewsGuild’s mission is as a strong, international voice for freedom of the press, free speech and the freedom and safety of journalists around the world. Members work at newspapers, magazines, news services, digital news and in broadcast.