New York Guild Members Approve New Contract at Time Inc., Ending 2-Year Dispute with Company

By Janelle Hartman
NewsGuild of New York

NewsGuild of New York members at Time Inc. approved a revised settlement offer by a 3-to-1 margin Thursday, ending a two-year dispute with the company.

Members overwhelmingly rejected a company offer in June, prior to a National Labor Relations Board administrative ruling that favored the company. The Guild brought the case when Time Inc. declared impasse and imposed work rules nearly two years ago. As part of the settlement, the Guild is dropping its appeal of the ruling. Continue reading “New York Guild Members Approve New Contract at Time Inc., Ending 2-Year Dispute with Company”

Journalists Do Not Forfeit Section 7 Rights

Now that the president has described journalists as enemies of the people, it’s past time to assess our role not just as journalists but as citizens in a new world order that seems at odds with the values espoused in our contracts and our everyday representation of NewsGuild-CWA members.

Journalists strive to be fair in our stories. We quote all sides of issues, and we don’t publish photos that distort a scene into something it’s not. Our contracts also strive for fairness in calling for equal pay for men and women and no discrimination based on age, sex, sexual orientation or religion. Continue reading “Journalists Do Not Forfeit Section 7 Rights”

Solidarity of Halifax Strikers Passes the One-Year Mark

Solidarity on the picket line has enabled 55 Chronicle Herald strikers endure a second consecutive winter on the picket line in Halifax, Nova Scotia. The CWA Canada Halifax Typographical Union began the walkout January 23, 2016, when management was about to impose union-busting working conditions and threatened a lockout. The take-it-or-leave-it negotiating stance by the company is an blatant attempt to split the strikers into the haves and have-nots. It has not worked and on Feb. 9, the company refused to continue to bargain. Continue reading “Solidarity of Halifax Strikers Passes the One-Year Mark”


President Donald Trump and members of his administration apparently haven’t read the Constitution lately, if ever.

Maybe Mr. Trump doesn’t understand the self-evident truth of the First Amendment right that gave unabridged freedom to the press and the necessary protections it must have to fulfill its essential role in our democracy. Continue reading “The RIGHT to REPORT”

Guild Booth at Excellence in Journalism 2016

Martha Waggoner, Guild International Chairperson and Kevin McGill, News Media Guild members from the Associated Press unit, helped staff a booth at the 2016 Excellence in Journalism conference in New Orleans in September 2016. The conference was a collaboration of the Society of Professional Journalists and the Radio Television Digital News Association.

Newspaper Bins in the Snow in Toronto.

The Year That Was

By Julie Reynolds

For NewsGuild-CWA members at Digital First Media newspapers, the year began auspiciously. In January, a dozen units from the nation’s second-largest newspaper chain joined together in an unprecedented coalition to fight for long-sought wage increases and to launch a national #NewsMatters campaign to raise awareness about the importance of local journalism.

It’s a fight that continues as we enter a new year with nothing less than democracy at stake. Continue reading “The Year That Was”

CWA S-T Steffens Lauds Award Winners, Warns of Threats to Journalism

There has never been a more important time to celebrate and lift up journalism. Lately I’ve been hearing a very chilling notion: that we are entering a “post-truth era.”

Why a post-truth era? We have a president who is prone to taking to Twitter to broadcast plain lies, such as his recent outrageous claim that states permitted millions of people to vote illegally. Continue reading “CWA S-T Steffens Lauds Award Winners, Warns of Threats to Journalism”

Bytes and Bits

Toledo Members Approve One-Year Contract at Toledo Blade

The Toledo Newspaper Guild members ratified a one-year contract with the Toledo Blade. The Blade is a division of Block Communications Incorporated.

The contract includes a bonus, a new compensation plan for advertising sales staff, more vacation time, an elimination of unpaid sick days, and a 401k match for employees for the first time. Continue reading “Bytes and Bits”

In Memorium

Marv Cermak, a columnist and Guild member for the Albany Times Union, died at the age of 84. Cermak left $50,000 to the local. In a story posted on the local’s web site, Tim O’Brien, the president of the Albany Newspaper Guild, said, “We are profoundly grateful that Marv chose to honor his long- standing appreciation of the Guild in this way.” Continue reading “In Memorium”