The NewsGuild is dedicated to building a sustainable future for the news, because journalists are the unblinking eye who tell the stories of their communities, hold power to account, expose injustices and protect democracy. As the largest union representing media workers in North America, we fight for our livelihoods and dignity on the job, whether at the bargaining table or in the halls of government because our work is essential to a free society.

We’re actively supporting legislation that would increase and protect the number of working journalists, while also strengthening our rights as union members.

State Legislation

California Journalism Preservation Act (AB 886)

The California Journalism Preservation Act — introduced by Assembly Member Buffy Wicks — would create a journalism usage fee from digital advertising giants like Google/Alphabet and Meta/Facebook to ensure news outlets pay fair, livable wages to journalists in California. The bill mandates that 70 percent of the funds from the fees would be reinvested into preserving journalism jobs in the state. The bill also includes language that requires publishers to share how much money they receive and how they’re spending that money.

The legislation has the support of NABET-CWA, SAG-AFTRA, the California News Publishers Association and many individual publishers.

As of July 2024, the bill passed the Senate Judiciary committee and now advances to the Appropriations committee before it receives a final vote on the California Senate floor. The bill passed the California Assembly in June 2023. 

California SB 1327

California SB 1327 — introduced by State Senator Steve Glazer —would fund $500 million in local journalism jobs a year by imposing a data-mining fee on Big Tech, including Google, Meta and Amazon. The employment tax credit structure is similar to the ones just adopted in New York and Illinois — except far bigger. It’s bigger than any other investment in local journalism in American history. 

The legislation has the support of The NewsGuild-CWA, Media Guild of the West (TNG-CWA Local 39213) and Pacific Media Workers Guild (TNG-CWA Local 39521). 

In June 2024, the bill cleared a two-thirds majority needed to pass in the California Senate. The bill now moves to the California Assembly for consideration. 

New York State Local Journalism Sustainability Act

The Local Journalism Sustainably Act (S.625-Hoylman-Sigal/A.2958-Woerner) — introduced by Senator Hoylman-Sigal and Assembly Member Woerner — creates a first-of-its-kind journalism jobs tax credit. In April 2024, the New York Assembly and Senate passed a version of the tax credit in the 2025 budget and New York Governor Kathy Hochul signed the provision into law.

The final law provides $30 million in tax credits each year over three years, covering half of a journalist’s salary up to $50,000 each year for up to twelve positions. Another $4 million is set aside to provide subsidies of up to $5,000 for each new hire. Publishers will only be able to use these employment tax credits to rebuild their newsrooms by hiring new reporters and retaining current staff.

The organizing effort for this initiative has been spearheaded by the Albany Newspaper Guild, New York News Publishers Association, the New York State AFL-CIO, The NewsGuild-CWA and the Communications Workers of America beginning in 2022.

Illinois State Budget Funding for Local Journalism

The Strengthening Community Media Act — introduced by Senator Steve Stadleman and Representative Dave Vella —  creates several programs to bolster local news jobs including, $25 million in tax credits for newsrooms, a 120-day waiting period for the sale of newspapers to out-of-state buyers, and a scholarship for college students who agree to work in an Illinois newsroom for two years after graduation. 

The NewsGuild-CWA, Chicago NewsGuild and Illinois AFL-CIO are strong supporters of the legislation.

In May 2024, the Illinois Legislature passed a state budget bill that included the $25 million employment tax credits for journalists in local newsrooms and passed the Strengthening Community Media Act. The state budget bill was signed by Governor JB Pritzker into law on June 5, 2024. The Strengthening Community Media Act is on the Governor’s desk for signature as of June 21, 2024. 

Federal Legislation

The Community News & Small Business Support Act (H.R. 4756)

The Community News & Small Business Support Act — introduced by Representative Tenney and Representative Susan DelBene —  would provide employment tax credits for journalism jobs and tax credits for small businesses advertising in local media. The bipartisan bill was originally introduced as the Local Journalism Sustainability Act in 2020. 

Under the bill, a local newspaper or website may claim up to $25,000 per local journalist in the first year and up to $15,000 in the following four years, in the form of refundable payroll tax credit. The credit would cover 50% of newsroom employee compensation, up to $50,000, in the first year and 30% of compensation, up to $50,000, in each of the subsequent four years.

The Community News & Small Business Support Act is supported by major unions, including The NewsGuild-CWA and the Communications Workers of America along with dozens of press associations and publisher groups. 

Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (S. 1094)

The Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (CJPA) — introduced by Senator Amy Klobuchar and Senator John Kennedy — would give publishers and broadcasters antitrust exemptions to bargain collectively against large platforms to extract new revenue for the loss of digital advertising by news websites to Google and Facebook. The legislation has bipartisan support in Congress and is modeled after Australia’s News Media Bargaining Code. 

The NewsGuild-CWA and Communications Workers of America only support a version of the bill that ensures up to 70% of new revenue is earmarked for journalism jobs and that there is annual transparency so the public — and working journalists — knows how much money publishers and broadcasters are getting and how they’re investing that money. 

Saving Local News Act (H.R. 7306)

The Saving Local News Act — introduced by Representative Mark DeSaulnier — would make it easier for print and online news outlets to would make it easier for print and online news outlets to register as 501c3s, allowing them to become non-profit entities that can focus on producing high quality journalism for their communities rather than on maximizing profits.

The NewsGuild-CWA is supportive of this legislation.

Protecting Our Right to Organize (PRO) Act

The Protecting Our Right to Organize Act — introduced by Ranking Member Rep. Robert “Bobby” Scott and Chairman Senator Bernie Sanders  — would protect the basic right to join a union by empowering workers to exercise their right to organize, holding employers accountable for violating workers’ rights, and securing free, fair, and safe union elections.

The PRO Act is supported by many unions including The NewsGuild-CWA and Communications Workers of America.