Continue reading “CWA: Trump’s Move on Dreamers is Cruel and Mean-Spirited”
Community Activism
The NewsGuild-CWA has a lengthy history in the pursuit of the importance of social justice. Starting with Heywood Broun, who wrote a column calling for a union for journalists, the Guild has always been out front advocating for human rights. Historically, Guild conventions, whose delegates are elected by local members in a secret ballot, routinely adopt resolutions calling for equal rights and laws for all citizens. Continue reading “Community Activism”
Movements do not happen without building coalitions. And, for change to happen, it takes the work of many constituent groups. The NewsGuild is not only a labor union advocating for worker rights. The Guild also fights for a free and fair press and civil and human rights for all. As members of such coalitions, the Guild helps build a movement by supporting other groups efforts in areas where common ideals exist. Sometimes the Guild is a leader on issues, sometimes a partner, and sometimes the Guild supports others’ fights for fairness.
Click here to view a list of links to unions and other coalition partners
President Lunzer: Be a Union Activist
President Trump declared the media as the enemy of the American people. Yet, people who work in the media know the Fourth Estate is a fundamental pillar of our democracy. What to do?
The NewsGuild-CWA has always fought for the rights of journalists — at the bargaining table, in the courtroom, and in the court of public opinion. Continue reading “President Lunzer: Be a Union Activist”