Duke University Press Workers Union Ratifies First Contract

With 41 union members receiving ballots, 95% of Duke University Press workers voted to ratify their first collective bargaining agreement.

Contract highlights include:

  • 5.2% raises in the first year for the median salary in the unit and up to 8.7% for those making the least, plus ongoing raises for everyone that exceed historical wage increases offered by Duke
  • Increased vacation time
  • Commitment to minimize overtime and develop manageable work plans in the event of long vacancies
  • Guarantees bargaining unit positions won’t be outsourced to contractors or outside companies
  • Guarantees remote workers won’t be pulled back into the office
  • Freedom to go to medical and care appointments without taking sick time
  • Grievance and arbitration procedures so the union can fight on your behalf if you are harassed, discriminated against, disciplined without adequate cause, or feel your rights under the contract were violated
  • Clear promotion guidelines
  • An ongoing voice in issues that concern our members through the Labor-Management Committee
  • Obligation to give notice of and consider alternatives to any proposed layoffs with all staff
  • More humane probationary period for new employees
  • Much more!

Duke University Press workers first unionized in 2021, joining The NewsGuild-CWA’s Washington-Baltimore Local 32035.

Follow the Duke University Press Workers Union on Twitter @DUPWorkersUnion on Instagram @DUPWorkersUnion or visit their website, DUPWorkersUnion.org.