SERC Appeals Procedure
Any challenge to the conduct of the election must be filed in writing with the SERC, with any supporting documentation, within ten (10) days of the certification of the election results. The SERC shall generally rule within twenty (20) days of the election certification, but may extend the period for issuing its ruling as necessary under the circumstances.
Any appeal from the SERC’s ruling on an election challenge must be filed in writing with the Executive Council [EC] within ten (10) days of that ruling. No issue or documentation will be considered by the EC on appeal that had not been raised to the SERC in the original election challenge. The EC shall generally rule within twenty (20) days, but may extend the period for issuing its appellate ruling as necessary under the circumstances.
An appeal may be taken from the EC ruling to the next succeeding Sector Conference. No issue will be considered by the Sector Conference that had not been raised previously to the SERC in the original election challenge and further pursued on appeal.